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FM4.02 Understanding Facilities Management Strategy

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  • Post by:Admin
  • Apr 06, 2024

FM4.02 Understanding Facilities Management Strategy

The main aim of the unit FM4.02 Understanding Facilities Management Strategy is to Generate assessment criteria that specify the standards of learning for the learners to demonstrate and meet the outcomes of the learning within the unit. The main purpose of Designing this unit is to give the students a comprehensive recognition of the strategic domains of Facilities Management within the context of the organisation. Facilities Management deals with a great variety of activities that aim to optimise and maintain the physical assets, services and infrastructure to support the complete function of the organisation. this unit deals with the concentration of strategies that provide guidance to the practices of Facilities Management and focus on the significance of the strategies of Facilities Management alignment with the wide objectives and goals of the organisation.

A significant focus of the unit is to find out the core principles and components which are related to the strategies of Facilities Management. The students can examine the multiple models and Frameworks utilised in the strategic development of facility management by gaining insight into the factors which impact the process of decision-making in this field. With the recognition of the fundamentals of the strategy of Facilities Management, the students can get the equipment to check out the effectiveness of multiple approaches and opportunities identification to enhance within the organisation. In addition, the unit also deals with the role of facilities managers in the contribution of the effectiveness and deficiency of the organisation. The learners have another chance to learn the way of practising Facilities Management strategies which can enhance their performance of operations, utilization of resources and cost management. With the help of analysing the real-world examples and case studies the learners can also generate the potential to apply the theoretical concept to the challenges of practical Facilities Management that include sustainability initiative, schedule maintenance and space planning.

Moreover, the significant domain of this unit is the strategy of Facilities Management integration with the wide strategies of business. The students can find out the interdependencies between the other functional areas and Facilities Management within the organisation including Finance, human resources and operations. Recognising the way facility management strategy is alignment with the complete objective of the business makes the students able to appreciate the value of Facilities Management strategy and its influence on the success of the organisation. With the help of the unit, the learners can solidify they are foundation in the recognition of the strategic dimensions of Facilities Management. They can examine key components, best practices, and integration with the strategies of business and can generate skills and knowledge mandatory for effective contribution. This contribution assists them to increase their optimistic outcomes and process of decision-making in Facilities Management within the organisation.

Objectives of unit

The main objectives of the unit are demonstrated below and include:

  • To analyse the core principles and components of the strategy of Facilities Management to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation
  • To evaluate the multiple strategies of Facilities Management to analyse the best practices and Design solutions which are connected with the objectives and goals of the organisation
  • To generate a comprehensive recognition of the way through which the strategy of Facilities Management integrates with the wide strategies of Business and make them informed with the resource Optimisation and decision making.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit FM4.02 Understanding Facilities Management Strategy are demonstrated below to make learners more skilled.

LO1: Recognise the way of strategy development for the organisations and the functions of their Facilities Management.
LO2: Recognise the influence of the risk profile of the organisation on the strategy of Facilities Management.
LO3: Recognise the way through which the Facilities Management strategies can be monitored.

Assessment criteria

The unit FM4.02 Understanding Facilities Management Strategy has assessment criteria to polish the practices of learners in making strategies.

LO1: Recognise the way of strategy development for the organisations and the functions of their Facilities Management.

  • 1.1 Elaborate the main elements of the facilities management strategy, including the objectives measures and drivers.
    (Relate it to the business`s mission statement and include the issues including customer requirements, compliance and CSR)
  • 1.2 Elaborate the significance of the strategy to the functions of Facilities Management.
    (Highlight the way through which it influences the decisions of Management and relate it to the problems including objectives, ethics and behaviours settings)
  • 1.3 Elaborate on the connection between the Facilities Management and organisational strategies.
    (Attached is the impact of the organisation on the strategies of Facilities Management and vice versa)

LO2: Recognise the influence of the risk profile of the organisation on the strategy of Facilities Management.

  • 2.1 Elaborate the risk profiles recognised in multiple organisations.
    (Utilise the examples from the case studies and the own experience of the learners including the multiple risk categories such as legal compliance, operational, reputational and financial)
  • 2.2 Elaborate on the methods in which the risk profile impacts the Facilities Management strategy.
    (Support the explanation by utilising similar examples like previous criteria of the assessment and show the way through which the risk was addressed and prioritised)

LO3: Recognise the way through which the Facilities Management strategies can be monitored.

  • 3.1 Elaborate the tools and principles to monitor the strategy of Facilities Management.
    (Include the optimisation of SLAs, KPIs and multiple mechanisms including customer feedback, balanced scorecards, RAG analysis and benchmarking, and different communication channel functions)
  • 3.2 Elaborate the way through which the outcomes of the monitoring add the changes to the recent strategy of the Facilities Management.
    (Support the explanation with the help of learners` own experience, examples and case studies)

Stay tuned with us and get the appropriate solution for the assignment on unit FM4.02

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