Learning outcomes
The learners will get credit for the learning through paving all these learning outcomes in unit fm4.15 managing customer service in facilities management.
LO1: Recognise the service culture in the context of facilities management.
LO2: Recognise the way to deliver focused service to customers.
LO3: Recognise the way to identify multiple customers, their requirement assessment and their level of satisfaction.
LO4: Recognise the way to manage and develop the service level agreements.
LO5: Understand the significance of customer relationship management.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria of the unit fm4.15 managing customer service in facilities management is demonstrated on the attributes of the learning outcomes, like:
LO1: Recognise the service culture in the context of facilities management.
1.1 Elaborate the responsibilities that facilities managers have to fulfil with their customers.
(Including the delivery of service, service improvement, enhancement of value, and management provision reports)
1.2 Elaborate on the methodologies in which the relationship of customers is improved or managed.
(In terms of the communication methods and general management and including the mechanism which is additional to utilise the contractor`s management such as agreements of service level and key indicators of performance)
LO2: Recognise the way to deliver focused service to customers.
2.1 Elaborate on the methodologies in which the relationship of customers is improved or managed.
(In terms of the communication methods and general management and including the mechanism which is additional to utilise the contractor`s management such as agreements of service level and key indicators of performance)
2.2 Elaborate on a variety of communication methods utilised for customer delivery with a focus on customer service.
(Utilise the examples including review of contract meetings, operational meetings, e-mail, face-to-face, complaint channels, feedback forms job requests, boards, foster communications, messaging, tabletop, and telephones)
LO3: Recognise the way to identify multiple customers, their requirement assessment and their level of satisfaction.
- 3.1 Elaborate on the way to identify the customers and emphasise organisation.
3.2 Describe the techniques which facilities managers may use to determine the requirements of customers.
(Support the justification with examples such as analysis of customers` needs, customer surveys, customer mapping, complaint channels, feedback forms and focus groups)
3.3 Elaborate the method through which facilities managers can determine the feelings of customers regarding the service that they receive.
(Support the expression by utilising examples such as audits and surveys instead of development attempts of the exhaustive list)
3.4 Elaborate the way through which facilities managers can use the information which day accommodate for improvement of their services of facilities management.
(Support the explanation by utilising the examples to exhibit the information of customers which can identify and review the emerging issues and trends and can be utilised for the items of influencing such as SLAs, KPIs, improvement plans, targets, and procedures)
LO4: Recognise the way to manage and develop the service level agreements.
- 4.1 Elaborate the way through which service level agreements are agreed and developed.
4.2 Elaborate the tools which can be utilised for performance measurement of service level agreements.
(Include the tools of KPI which are standards, audits, benchmarking, customer feedback surveys, and customer feedback forms)
4.3 Elaborate the way through which service level agreements may be managed so that the stakeholders can recognise the priorities, responsibilities and expectations.
(Include tools of communication such as customer feedback publication, review meetings, contract content transparency, and P&P)
LO5: Understand the significance of customer relationship management.
5.1 Describe the significance of the relationship of customer management in the facilities management concept.
(Include the requirements to generate long-standing relationships, keep recent customers, increase profit and generate a reputation which attracts clients having potential)
5.2 Elaborate on the sensitive areas in the management of customer relationships.
(Include the HR issues, intellectual issues of property and data protection)
5.3 Elaborate on the way through which customers generate confidence and loyalty.
(Support the explanation by utilising the experience of learners, case studies and examples and add the approaches of partnership)
5.4 Elaborate on the way through which customers` relationships are evaluated improved and managed.
(Support the explanation by utilising the case study example of learners and their own experience)
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