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FM3.10 Space allocation in facilities management
The unit FM3.10 Space Allocation in Facilities Management has a
main purpose to make the learners understand a comprehensive phenomenon of
facilities management with its strategies, methodologies and principles
included in the space allocation. The term space allocation within Facilities
Management is a process of strategy for assigning the areas within the building
to the appropriate suit to the requirements of the organisation. It includes
analysing the requirements of the department, space usage, and style of working
for efficiency Optimisation. It also moves ahead with the activity-based
working consideration and future growth. With the help of effective space
allocation, facilities managers can increase the flow of operations, the
satisfaction of employees and cost-effectiveness.
Space allocation is a difficult aspect of facility management on the
productivity satisfaction of users and efficiency of the organisation. This unit
explores the principles underlaid in Space allocation. This includes
recognition of the space management objectives that include:
- Flexibility promotion
- Increasing utilisation of space
- Accommodation of occupants in versatile requirements
The students can also learn about the factors that influence
the decision of space allocation including budget constraints, goals of
organisation, regulatory requirements, and preferences of users.
The next main concern of unit FM3.10 is to deal with the analysis of
methodology for the space utilisation requirements and patterns. The students
have to acquire the way to conduct the audit of space, rates occupancy and
surveys of users to collect the data on space allocation, traffic flow,
requirements of function and occupancy rates. Additionally, the unit also
analyses the Strategies for efficient layout design and space planning. Also
includes considerable factors such as functionality, aesthetics, sustainability
and accessibility. The students can acquire the multiple techniques of space
planning that include open plan layout, modular systems of furniture,
activity-based designing and flexibility of workspace. By recognising these
strategies, facilities managers may generate a supportive collaborative,
productive and innovative environment while reducing wasted space.
Furthermore, this unit also caters for the technology`s role in
the allocation of space and Facilities Management. The students can explore the
CAD “Computer-aided design” software, and FMS “facility management systems, and
visualise space sensors, usage pattern monitoring, track occupancy, and space
allocation optimisation in real-time. Technology makes the facilities managers
able to identify the data effectively, identify inefficiencies and generate
proactive decisions for improving user experience and space utilization.
This unit makes the students well-equipped with the skills and
knowledge required to manage space effectively in facilities management
allocation. By recognising the strategies, methodologies and principles the facilities
managers can optimise the utilisation of space, increase functionality and
generate an environment which is according to the objectives of the
organisation and the requirements of users.
Objectives of unit
The main objectives of the unit FM3.10 Space allocation in
facilities management are demonstrated here:
- To recognise the methodology and principles of space
allocation within the management of the facility to optimise effective spatial
- To analyse the utilisation of space requirements and
patterns to Alliance the decisions which are allocated with the goals of the
organisation, preferences of users and operational requirements.
- To develop Strategies for the executive planning of
space that include design layout, arrangement of furniture and zoning to
increase productivity, user satisfaction and functionality within the
environment building.
Learning outcomes
Check out the learning outcomes of the unit FM3.10 Space
allocation in facilities management which are mainly designed for student
LO1: Recognise the way through which space is classified
and the way through which multiple categories are interrelated.
LO2: Potential to generate a space plan for the unit of
business located on a single floor.
LO3: Recognise the base that is alternative for working may
be utilised for efficiency improvement of space utilisation.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria of the unit FM3.10 Space allocation in
facilities management are designed here to the acquisition of the learning
LO1: Recognise the way through which space is classified
and the way through which multiple categories are interrelated.
- 1.1 Utilise the terms
- Net internal area
- Gross internal area
- Primary circulation
- Ancillary space
- Usable space in the office
- Support space
- Workspace
Elaborate each of the terms demonstrator above and their
meaning with the fit factor purpose. NB usable space of the office is intended
here and has the variable area considered as a net occupiable area in the US or
net usable area EU.
- 1.2 Calculate the quantities for the multiple categories
of the space in the layout or building.
- Utilise the single-floor examples of a building for the own
experience of a case study of a learner to calculate the appropriate floor
space area represented by every category of the space described in the
assessment criteria.
- 1.3 Calculate the metrics which is simple for the
utilisation of space with emphasis on the ratio between quantities of these
multiple space categories.
- The internal area relevance as a percentage of gross internal
area and net occupiable area which is usable office space as a percentage of
net internal area along with building efficiency regard.
LO2: Potential to generate a space plan for the unit of
business located on a single floor.
- 2.1 Analyse the requirements of users for the business
unit about the:
- specialized equipment requirements
- business process or process required to be performed
- requirements of proximity to other teams or departments
- quantity of people who are accommodated
- requirements for multiple space categories
- 2.2 Design a plan of space allocation to meet the
requirements of users and to alliance with the space management strategy of the
The assessment criteria must be evidenced with the examples of
the building with a single floor and learners have to add case study and their
own experiences. The example also provides the best suggestions for improvement
or changes to present the use of space.
LO3: Recognise the base that is alternative for working may
be utilised for efficiency improvement of space utilisation.
- 3.1 Analyse the alternative method of working in which
additional space or minimum space is provided by the employer.
For example
- cellular accommodation
- open plan
- space allocation according to seniority or function
- areas of breakout
- hot desking
- Hotelling
- intensification of space
- 3.2 Elaborate the potential influence of the alternative
working ways on the process of Business and user satisfaction
For example
- space as the symbol of status
- Productivity
- Creativity
- Territorial space
- Confidentiality
- Communication
- 3.3 Elaborate the benefits and limitations of floor
utilization with standardised footprints and planning grids.
For example
- Space churn and planning
- Accommodation policy
- Density of occupation
- Corporate identity
- Requirements of function
- Internal satisfaction of customers
Avail the excellent assignment of unit
FM3.10 prepared with mingling all corners of the study
The students of multiple fields have to deal with the issue of
assignment preparation because of the diversity of the facility management
domains in the area of the unit FM3.10 Space allocation in facilities
management. Most of the time, students could not connect themselves with the
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