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FM3.06 Project management within facilities Management operations

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  • Post by:Admin
  • Mar 26, 2024

FM3.06 Project management within facilities Management operations

The unit FM3.06 Project Management within Facilities Management operations is considered a significant component of Facilities Management that emphasises the effective execution planning and project control for achieving the objective of organisation within the environment of facilities. Another concern of this unit is on the versatile project management element with a design to the facility operation challenges and requirements. The core aspect of the unit FM3.06 is to project good planning. The facility managers should carefully elaborate on the scope of the project, deliverable timelines and objectives with stakeholders. It also includes the requirements definition, need assessment conduction, project goal establishment and comprehensive plan of project development that outlines the schedule, budget, resources and tasks.

Execution is another main element of this unit. The Facility managers check out the implementation of the project and certify that all activities are taking place according to their plan within the time and budget. It includes the management of suppliers and contractors, resource coordination, issues resolution, and project monitoring to make sure that the milestone of the project has been achieved with quality standards. Moreover, the unit FM3.06 also includes monitoring and project control. the facility managers utilise multiple techniques and tools to crack the performance of projects, risk management and check out plan deviation. It comprises the KPIs “key performance indicators” establishment, regular reviews of progress conduction and accurate action implementation as mandatory to keep the project on track and mitigate disruption.

In addition, the main emphasis of this unit is on the engagement and communication of stakeholders throughout the life cycle of a project. Facility managers need to maintain an open communication line with stakeholders of the project including members of the team, organisational leadership, clients, and vendors. They also certified the project goals alignment according to the expectations management and checked out all the concerns Actively. The main concern and core purpose of the unit FM3.06 is to train the facilities managers so that they can effectively manage their projects within the environment of the facility. By the application of project management practices and principles, the manager can utilise the resources, reduce risk, and provide projects within the budget and on time. Besides they ultimately contribute to the successful objectives of the organisation achievement within the context of Facilities Management.

Objectives of unit

The main objectives of unit FM3.06 Project management within Facilities Management operations are given below:

  • To elaborate the objective and project scope by clearly outlining the timelines, goals deliverables of the project of facility management.
  • To plan the activities of the project by developing the comprehensive details of the task, schedules for that and resources.
  • To oversee the project activities implementation, coordinating with resources and contractors managing for achieving the goals of the project.
  • To monitor the performance of the project through risk management, addressing the planning deviation to make sure the completeness of the project is within budget and on time with standards of quality.

Learning outcomes

Here are the significant learning outcomes of the unit FM3.06 Project Management within Facilities Management are demonstrated here:

LO1: Potential to scope a project of a small scale with complexity with the initial briefing.

LO2: The potential to generate the plan of the project.

LO3: The potential to manage the delivery of the project.

LO4: Potential to close the project.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria of the learning outcome of the unit FM3.06 Project Management within Facilities Management is provided here.

LO1: Potential to scope a project of a small scale with complexity with the initial briefing.

  • 1.1 Generate a document of scope including appropriate details regarding activities or tasks, Requirements of resources and evaluation risk with the feasibility of starting brief.
  • 1.2 Finalize the specification of the project through the arguments with project stakeholders to agree on the quality of realistic targets, cost and time.

Assessment Criteria of the LO1 must be evidenced with the help of case studies and the own experience of learners. These examples must be easy in Facilities Management according to the project.

LO2: The potential to generate the plan of the project.

  • 2.1 Specify the activities and tasks with will efficiently deliver the specifications of the project.
  • 2.2 Find out the required resources for multiple activities or tasks.

    Also include outsourcing or in-house resources of staff, financial budget

  • 2.3 Schedule the multiple activities or tasks for running in parallel or in sequence to generate efficient utilisation of resources and to meet the deadlines of the project.
  • Utilise the schedule in techniques of the project for example

  • Show the connection between dependent and precedent task
  • Gantt chart
  • Tasks of stand-alone
  • 2.4 Check out the project risk about impact and likelihood, analyse any risk which may be planned or accepted how to minimise, mitigate or transfer the remainder.
  • 2.5 Clarify the requirements of information about multiple stakeholders and generate a plan of communication to acknowledge requirements.
  • 2.6 Generate a plan for the project that includes the information from the preceding criteria of assessment.

LO3: The potential to manage the delivery of the project.

  • 3.1 Analyse the flow of Information and process of reporting to make the progress get checked against the plan of the project also include:
  • Resource use
  • Schedule
  • Risk management
  • 3.2 Report the stakeholder`s progress According to the plan of communication.
  • 3.3 Investigate the reasons for the diversity from the plan of the project and options of determination to restore the plan of the project and estimate the likely quality effects or time and cost.
  • 3.4 Implement the change management relevant process to action and agree on the changes that will restore the plan of the project or otherwise change the project.

    Include the appropriate description process for approving and making the change request.

LO4: Potential to close the project.

  • 4.1 Confirm the closure of the project to the sponsor of the project.
  • 4.2 Complete the documentation of the project.
  • 4.3 Demonstrate to the relevant stakeholders of project result, lessons learnt and project closure.

The assessment criteria of LO4 must be evidenced with the help of the case study or the own experience of the learners. It may be some examples as utilised for the previous outcomes of the learning if the project is completed. This learning outcome also has the concern with demonstrating the closing down formal process of a project that includes the evaluation of the way of effective project was provided with required results.

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